Volunteer as a Group
Are you interested in volunteering as a group? Perhaps you’re a part of a church, club, or university and fancy serving together? We’d love to have you join us!
There are lots of areas on site which require teams of volunteers so why not get in touch. Please email [email protected] for more information!
What days do I need to work?
You’ll be required to work 15 hours over the course of the weekend. You’ll likely have one longer shift of 10 hours, plus one shorter shift of 5 hours. One of your shifts will be on a live event day (Saturday or Sunday), and the other shift won’t be, giving you one full day off to enjoy the event! Please see our Volunteer FAQs if you have any further questions.
When do I need to arrive?
You will need to be on-site no later than 7:30pm the evening before your first shift, this is in order to attend the team wide briefing. Please bear this in mind when selecting which days you’re available to volunteer. We’ll also be holding a volunteer only welcome party on the evening of Thursday 25th May, and we’d love for all volunteers to join us!
How to apply
Click the link below